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Why Choose Magnum Roofing?

As evidenced by our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau® and excellent Google My Business Reviews, Magnum Roofing maintains high standards of professionalism, and are rated among the best roofers in Ottawa. Here are a few reasons why you should entrust all your asphalt roofing needs in the Ottawa Region to our highly skilled contractors.

Free Estimates

Magnum Roofing offers free estimates, and we honour every estimate for the entire calendar year. Unless a customer requests extra services, a Magnum estimate will never increase. If our measurements or addition is wrong, or if for any other reason we underprice your roof, our estimate still stands. We don’t penalize you for our mistakes!

Quality Workmanship

Every roof installation or replacement comes backed by a 15-year workmanship warranty. We only hire the best roofing tradesmen in the Ottawa Region, and all work is completed by Magnum employees (NO subcontractors) to guarantee quality workmanship.

Superior Products

Magnum Roofing has chosen GAF Roofing Products as our supplier. Founded in 1886, GAF was among the first manufacturers to offer coloured shingles, as well as a lifetime 50-year warranty guaranteeing 100% coverage on materials and labour. You deserve the best roofing materials money can buy, and that’s what we aim to provide!

Meticulous Clean-Up

You won’t even know we were there after our work has been completed! Our meticulous clean-up includes raking your grass and passing a magnet over it twice to ensure the removal of all nails and debris. Check out our referrals!

Excellent Customer Service

Our excellent customer service includes providing one-day roofing replacements whenever possible for minimal disruption to your schedule. Over the years, we’ve done our best to maximize our operational efficiencies to serve your needs better.

Fully Insured

Magnum Roofing is fully insured with $3,000,000 liability insurance. All employees are covered by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Ontario (WSIB), and they’ve all completed all required government certifications, including Working at Heights Training from the Ontario Ministry of Labour.

Competitive Warranties Back Our Roofing

Proudly serving the Ottawa Region for over 35 years, Magnum Roofing specializes in residential roofing installations, repairs, and replacements. As well-trusted local roofing experts, we pride ourselves on being rated among the best roofing companies in Ottawa. We offer high quality workmanship backed by superior roofing products and some of the best warranties found in the industry. Not only do we offer a 15-year workmanship warranty on every roof we install, but our main supplier is GAF Roofing Products, a company renowned for offering a lifetime 50-year warranty on its shingles. In a climate like Ottawa’s, which experiences extreme temperature changes year-round, it’s imperative that your roof is built to withstand heavy winds, rain, snow, and ice.
